Friday, June 7, 2013

The Creative Shed

Last summer I tore apart our detached garage and converted it into a studio. It was just a mound of storage and unopened boxes from when we moved in. I have tried to turn it into my gardening area but I was usually scared to go in because it was pretty much infested with spiders. I even got the 1 year spider and bug killer spray but couldn't get to it because there were spiders on it! Ironic right? Half the space in the shed is taken up from storage So I cleaned it out, bug bombed it, painted it and now I have my own little studio! I organized my art supplies and use our old beer pong table as a desk. It will be fun to organize it "pinterest style" once we move the furniture to Wyoming and I have more room. It looks messy but it is so nice to have all my supplies in one place! Here is a look.